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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Are WE Wasting The Tax Payer Money Keep Marijuanna User's In Jail

Ok  Today  we are going to look at laws that waste our tax dollars why and how to fix it. Lets start with looking a  The Controlled Substances Act. I agree hard drugs cause crime and problems for many communitys but does putting users or addicts in jail work? Would treatment for the addiction work better. After all drug addiction is a disease according to medical experts and if it is a disease we are just wasting our money. Also did you know marijuanna is classified as a schedule I drug? What that means is its put in the same categorie as heroin, ecstacy, and other hard drugs did I mention cociane is a schedule II. To me that  is just wrong. These laws need to be  restructured so our tax dollars are not wasted on laws that don't work! The Feds call marijuanna "The Gateway Drug. Couldn't Achohol be considered a gateway drug also? It impairs your ability to make rational  decisions doesn't it? If thats true and your drunk at a party and someone offers you drugs it's possible you may try something you normally wouldn't thus making it a gateway drug. So my question to you is marijuanna really as bad as doing lets say heroin? I have had many friends die from heroin over doses and not one die from a marijuanna over dose. This law is crazy and its costing us a ton of tax dollars. This is not a rant about why we should legalize marijuanna because I smoke it. The tax dollar we waste  enforcing the marijuanna laws is crazy! In my state Maryland the law states that  being caught with marijuanna in any amount is a misterminer and carrys a 1 year sentence and a 1,000.00 fine. I'm sure your state is about the same unless you live in a state wear medical marijuanna is legal. In 2009 56% of a drig related arrests were for marijuanna (6.5 for trafficing or sales of marijuanna and 45.6% for possession). Ok so Thats 758,593 arrests for 2009. According to wikipidia it costed us $22,650 to keep one person in jaill for a year and I'm sure the price has gone up. I mutiplied it by the number of arrests for simple possession and came up with $17,182,131,450 every year just jail people for simple possession of maijuannna! Thats not including the money we spend on man power, investegations ect. Now if your growing transporting or selling marijuanna that carries a 5 year sentence and a  $15,000 fine if its under 50 lbs . If your cuaght transporting over state line its a up to a 20 years in prision  and a $50,000 fine. Sex offenders get less time. Which do you think is worst? There is no way of telling how many people got how much time but there was 99,815 people who got arrested in 2009 alone and are serving aleast 5yrs in prision for marijuanna. There is no acurate way of finding the cost but its alot more then we have to spend! I know there are better ways for our tax dollars to be used instead of wasting it on this. Some people will say marijuanna causes crime, Achohol causes crime (Dui, Assaults) but its legal.  How  many people are killed by drunk drivers? The feds say smoking marijuanna is harmful to your health. Then how come cigerettes are allowed to be sold? Nicotine is more addictive then herion. There is no medical use for cigerettes and they kill millions every year. Sound like cigerettes are more dangerous then marijuanna right? Oh and I also took a look at Amsterdam's crime rate wear marijuanna is considered a soft drug and there crime rate is lower then ours. Heres the link to the all Amsterdam site I got that info from I'm not saying make marijuanna legal but these laws we have on the books enforce and are forced to liive by need to be restructurd so our tax dollars are used for things like job training programes, help single parents, education for our kids ect It seems to me our government is in a pissing contest with its own citizens.  I got the facts for this blog from,  wikipedia (cost of keeping someone in prision and controlled substance act fact) (md drug laws) Think It's time for change? I sure do! You can do your part by contacting your goverment officals and tell them it's time for change! Start a petition! If no one takes action our tax dollars are gong to continue to go down the drain and the national debt is going to keep going up!

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