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Monday, February 14, 2011

Big brither! Not anymore more like angry step father and us Americans are the red headed step child!

Back in the day Americans used to call the government big brother. Now big brother has turned into angry step father and we the people are being treated like the red headed stepchild. I truely belive the best government is the government who governs the least. Each day are rights to make choices for ourselfs is eroding at a alarming rate. The Government decides where we can and cant smoke, if we should wear a seat belt, how many handguns we can buy in a one month period, and on and on. There are camras up on every major city street so they can babysit us. They are taking over the health care indusry. The fcc is now trying to regulate the internet with net neutrality. I don't know how everyone else feels about it but I'm 34 and I think I'm old enough and responsable enough to decide for myself how to use the internet. I don't need anyone to tell me what I should or shouldnt veiw. Some people will argue the point what about the childern that use the internet. I think that should be left to the parents to monitor affter all the govenment can't raise our kids for us. Dont get me wrong I love the U.S.A.! We as Americans have been so busy over the years working raising kids, ect. No one has time to monitor the government and I think the average American has no clue whats going on because they are spending all there time trying to survive in these hard economic times and provide for there familys. So I decided to write a blog about whats going on with our government, whats wrong with our government and how we the people can work together to fix it. Some of my blog will be oppinion and some fact. I'm not going to call out any names of our government because thats not the reason I'm doing this blog. It's not intended to belittle people instead embrace change and get this country going in the right direction.

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